Monday 13 November 2006


- Ouch, nailed on the temple by book. Molly's up! That hurt.
- Head for walk along the river bank. Lovely.
- Head into Lugo in the truck to use the Internet and have a look around. Park the truck by the Uni.
- I hate internet cafe's. Never the right s/w or connections and sooooo slow.
- Billy sorts some of the final bits for his money transfer. There house is quickly becoming reality. woooo.
- Head into the old city. Sit in the main plaza and grab some beers. Molly's off; playing with the locals, been given food and absconding with the kids toys.
- Take the truck to an old park up of Billy and Mandy's by the fly over. Arrive in the dark - seems a little bit of a grim place (first impressions).
- More chats and beers.

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