Tuesday 13 March 2007

I think my brain is melting (+ 东坪山)

Didn't know you could really over heat your head by studying but I feel like I running a temperature but apart from fuzzy eyes I am fine. I think there are some new paths being created in my brain.

Time to run to the hills.

Fortunately they are not far and for me unexplored.

Following the road up the hill I met some of the old boys from one of the tea houses. After a quick chat they directed me over the wall and down into what I am guessing in the summer is a restaurant, leisure park! I was not alone however there were some kids making out but they stopped to shout hello and point out I was a lao wai (never knew this).

Clambering up the hill I realised that this wasn't the best way so made way along the 'valley' to the dam. Nicely over grown it reminded me of being a kid in the hedges and woods of Dorset. I even found a rather impressive swing which I mucked around on for a while. It was soon evident that this area was quite enclosed so I made my way back to the road by the hardest route possible.

Following the road round I was confronted by a huge golf course. I am guessing this is probably co-sponsored by the government and some dubious loans from banks and will see very few golfers for the next 10 years but hey that is pure heresay. Heading up the hill itself I was impressed by the landscaping, though I had hoped for a little more natural surroundings. The number of flowers certainty took my mind of the seemingly endless han-zi. Given 3-5 years this spot will be very idillict, now it just feels just a little too much like someone has driven a buldozer through it and has tried to fill it in afterwards.

Breaking from the path, I headed East a long a well used track (that turned out to be a military road - ooops) until I was confronted by 2 large dogs. Ummm. Fortunately I guess the bearded lao wai was too much for them and they turned and ran. Shortly afterwards their less scared but amused owners appeared. One of which was rather pretty if I do say so myself. We walked to the peak together nattering. It was difficult to tell if the girl was the man's daughter, wife or 'girlfriend'.

Overall I lovely walk and one that is recomended if you are in Xiamen. FYI the 'shan' is: 东坪山 (dongping shan)。

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